Invasive Species Treatment
At High Water Pond Management, we offer specialized pond treatments that combine chemical and biotic controls to maintain a healthy and balanced ecosystem. We realize invasive species like algae can create a visually unappealing pond. Our specialized chemical treatments effectively manage algae blooms and invasive aquatic vegetation, ensuring your pond remains clear and aesthetically pleasing. While we use chemicals to help reduce invasive species, we follow all label laws to ensure the ecosystem's health. In addition to chemical solutions, we utilize biotic controls such as beneficial fish species and bacteria to naturally reduce excessive plant growth, reduce the muck layer, and improve water quality. These integrated approaches not only enhance the visual appeal of your pond but also promote a sustainable environment, reduce long-term maintenance costs, and support the overall health of aquatic life. Trust High Water Pond Management to provide comprehensive and effective solutions for all your pond treatment needs.
Frequently Asked Questions
Routine monitoring and identification of the species is crucial in determining the effect the species will have on the body of water.
The two primary methods of controlling invasive species include chemical treatments and biotic controls such as fish and bacteria. Many times they are used in conjunction with each other to achieve prolonged success.
Although every pond responds to treatment in different ways, in general you should see results from a chemical treatment within 1-3 weeks, and within a year you should see botic controls like fish and bacteria improve the body of water.
Reducing the excess nutrients that flow into a body of water is a great way to prevent further algae blow-ups. Fertilizers and pet waste make up a large amount of the excess nutrients in ponds so reducing the amount of waste and fertilizers around the pond can drastically improve the overall water quality.
Treating invasive alligator weed: Before & After
Alligator weed (Alternanthera philoxeroides) is a species native to South America that can quickly become established in our ponds, lakes and waterways, where it forms dense mats that crowd out native vegetation. These dense mats can contribute to flooding and make it difficult or impossible to navigate the water for recreational activities like fishing or boating. At High Water Pond Management we use a scientific approach and industry best practices to treat alligator weed and other invasive species, so you can get the best out of your pond!
Before treatment
After treatment (2 weeks)
After treatment (6 weeks)
NC Aquatic Nuisance Species Management Plan Coordination (Albemarle-Pamlico National Estuary Partnership)
Aquatic Weed Control Program (NC Department for Environmental Quality)
Pond Management Guide (NC State Extension Publications)